Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, over the mountains we go....

I don't know for sure, but I think the reason we ended up driving over so many mountains in New York and then into Pennsylvania is because Randy "needed" to take pics of the Buffalo Bills stadium. Heading that direction changed our route through our GPS by a lot. Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, yes, driving to take pictures of an NFL stadium on opening day, does increase your drive time, no way around it.

The scenery that we were able to enjoy was amazing! It was so beautiful. I tried to take a few pictures so that everyone could see what we saw. I don't know how they turned out, but hopefully they are good enough. This drive was one of out prettiest. I definitely could handle seeing that everyday.
We made it to the Hershey preserve before dark. There is a very large RV show in Hershey that is going on while we are here. This has made it hard for us to extend our stay. They are expecting to be at full capacity a few days after we our arrival.

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