Friday, September 12, 2008

OHIO 1st Baptist Church of Jefferson

We went to church both Sundays in Ohio. One Sunday was a church sort of in the middle of nowhere. By the time the preacher was done, we weren't quite sure what he believed. So, the next Sunday we decided to try another church that was advertising in the family center. This one was 1st Baptist of Jefferson, Ohio. We went to Sunday School and it was so nice. The kids really enjoyed it (last Sunday, during church, the kids watched Hannah Montana). They enjoyed being with kids and learning from great teachers. Randy and I also enjoyed our class. We then went into the sanctuary and learned that they also had a kids class available during the service if the kids wanted to go. The people, the church, they were so friendly and welcoming. Not only did we get some excellent teaching, we were also surrounded by people who were so kind. Pastor Gary had a great lesson on time and our days.
We were invited to their evening services. During the summer they meet at a member's house. We asked the kids if they wanted to go and they all unanimously agreed, yes. We were a little late because there was a potluck at TT. This evening was spent singing. The kids got to see the kids they met earlier that day and play and we were able to visit with some of the adults. The singing was great. One man sounded a lot like Johnny Cash and and wrote his own songs. One guy had everyone join in on his two songs, one was Are You Happy. The kids loved that one but the second on, the kids sang and sang days later. It was a take on The 12 Days of Christmas- this was The 12 Days of Summer. He said he needed volunteers and walked right over to us and gave us a small piece of paper. It said, 12 Campers Camping. We felt it fit us perfect.
We visited with the people when the singing was over. They were some of the nicest people we have ever met. They reminded us of the members of our home churches (TX and WI). When we were about to leave, they prayed for us. We are so thankful that we went to 1st Baptist of Jefferson.
If we were looking for a home church in the area, we would definitely be looking there. If you are ever in the area, drop by and tell them we said hi!

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